waste demonstrator programme demonstrator projects signed

All Waste Technologies Demonstrator Projects Now Signed

Broken Link Repair – Updated and Repaired Link to the Wikipedia Article Citation (Reference 6: “Demonstrator Projects Now Signed” on the page devoted to the UK (Defra) New Technologies Demonstrator Programme)

Quick Answer and Link:

If you have arrived from Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Technologies_Demonstrator_Programme#The_scheme) the quick link to an updated copy of that original article cited is available on the MRW website here.

Detailed Explanation of this Broken Link Repair:

The article to which we have provided the link above, was published originally 24 November 2006, and the version now available was updated on 26 April 2010 8:09 am by Andrea Lockerbie. To preserve the meaning of the article and protect loss of this information in the event of MRW unpublishing this historic material in the future, we are of course unable to provide the exact article here due to copyright, however, we have summarised the article in our own words, as follows:

All Waste Technologies Demonstrator Projects Now Signed

waste demonstrator programme demonstrator projects signedAll 9 of the Governments New Technologies Demonstrator Programme jobs have actually now been signed. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has validated them to commence.
The plants, which will as specified in the brief, cover the five treatment techniques of gasification, in-vessel composting, mechanical biological treatment (MBT), anaerobic food digestion, and aerobic digestion, are due to all be working by April 2008.
2 of the tasks, the Bioganix in-vessel composting plant in Leominster and the Greenfinch anaerobic digester in Ludlow, are already at operational stage. While the Cambridgeshire-based ADAS/Envar in-vessel composting plant and Premier Waste aerobic digestion plant in Durham, are due to be operational by April 2007.
The Novera gasification plant in Dagenham, Energos gasification plant on the Isle of Wight, Yorwaste gasification plant at Seamer Carr in Scarborough, Compact power gasification plant at Avonmouth, and Fairport Engineering MBT plant in Merseyside must be functional by April 2008.
Head of New Technologies Dave Brooks stated the aim was for the scheme to be completed by April 2009, so that all of the plants would have been functional for a minimum of a year allowing for full assessment and reporting of their success or failure.
The Demonstrator Programme aims to prove, or disprove, the financial, ecological and social practicality of the chosen innovations, with visitor centres built-in to allow for for visits by those in local and regional authorities and the waste sector to find out more about them.
“If we can get as many of the demonstrators running by 2009 then we have actually attained our objective of getting them in place before the 2010 targets;”
Brooks said.
He added that it was not the aim for the demonstrators to accomplish the 2010 land fill diversion targets, which are dependent on recycling and the procurement of alternative land fill technologies such as MBT, composting and incineration.
The 2013 targets would be a more reasonable objective for the demonstrator jobs to go for. The demo plants that are up and running now might make a big impact before 2010 and there is no reason to stop them from contributing to the UK landfill waste diversion targets. But they are not options yet, and they are still being trialled and demonstrated, he said.

[box type=”info”] Original citation link on Wikipedia page was: http://www.mrw.co.uk/homepagePBP_NADetail_UP.aspx?ID_Site=534&ID_Article=15718&mode=1&curpage=0[/box]

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    • Courtney Sharpe
    • February 26, 2018

    Thanks for an interesting flashback to the Government’s New Technologies Demonstrator Programme. Looking back, it was this that showed how really quite simple biogas facilities could produce biogas from the organic fraction of MSW, and started a lot of people thinking. Hey. This could work?! Now look at how many large AD plants there are working after MRFs in MBT facilities.

  1. Reply

    One of the demonstrator projects included the construction of a novel vertical aerobic composting system which was in a building to stop odours escaping so could be built in towns near houses, and had a very small footprint area, because it was vertical. Your article is good so far, but where can I find information on that composting system now?

    • Dominic Ross
    • March 4, 2018

    It was a very progressive move for the UK government to spend money in the demonstrator programme to help a struggling technological improvement take place. This is a good model for other governments to copy, when technology needs to be developed for the national and global good. Has it been done since in other countries?

    • Daz Fariz
    • December 15, 2018

    Hello there! Do you know if any of the original plants are still working? If they have shut-down did the funding achieve a good result?

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